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[Fwd: page security]

Thanks for all those who responded .. I was able to get what I need from
the following location:


Additionally, special thanks to :

        Steff Watkins
	Ari Luotonen
-- Tom

Thomas L. Hobika
Systems Administration
Broad Technologies Platform Center 
Eastman Kodak Company
Rochester, N.Y. 14653-5811

work: 716.726.3391
internet: hobika@kodak.com

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Good morning (or afternoon) !

I am trying to implement web security via user authorization. I am
running the W3 httpd and need to be able to secure specific pages.

Would it be possible for someone to educate me on how best to go about
performing the above security scheme ... I have tried to use the
.www_acl control but have been unsuccessful. Thanks ....

-- Tom

Thomas L. Hobika
Systems Administration
Broad Technologies Platform Center 
Eastman Kodak Company
Rochester, N.Y. 14653-5811

work: 716.726.3391
internet: hobika@kodak.com

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